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Benefits of Comfrey Salve

For skin rashes — Comfrey salve can help in treating rashes. However, caution should be taken when it comes to deep wounds — comfrey can help heal the skin so quickly that the new tissue may cover the wound before deep healing inside occurs.

As a poultice — A poultice is a good alternative if you have an infection but don't want to apply comfrey salve directly. Spread the salve on a clean cotton cloth and apply over the wound, bandaging if possible.

For bone fractures — Apart from helping treat superficial wounds, comfrey salve and tinctures has also been used for fractured bones or torn ligaments in areas of the body where it is not possible to place a cast, such as a rib. It can be applied directly onto your skin or in a poultice, potentially promoting faster healing. It is also said to help reconstruct torn muscles that might have been injured.

Why comfrey for a salve? 


Used for millennia to help heal burns, sprains, bruises and even slight bone fractures, comfrey contains allantoin which is thought to speed up production of new cells. It’s also known as knitbone. Even its Latin name, symphytum, is derived from the Greek, “symphis”, meaning growing together of bones, and “phyton,” meaning plant.


It makes a safe general purpose healing aid to keep in the medicine cabinet, burns, scalds, cuts, scrapes and bruises will all benefit and heal quickly with the application of Comfrey.  Its safe for children and pets, doesn't sting or have any side effects, and can be used for any and all skin conditions.


Sports massage using comfrey salve has great benefits post massage easing tight muscles, tendons and ligaments and providing a great healing environment for sports injuries.  Great for horses with tendon, or ligament injury or windgallls, puffy legs or old joint injuries.  


Comfrey Salve

SKU: 20
100 Grams
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